Psalm 91 is an amazing chapter in the Bible.
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Photo Credit: VandelRus DeviantART |
I am praying this Psalm for my son. If you need to pray for your child, join me in agreement in prayer for our wayward children.
Father God,
You say that he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I pray for my son that he may learn to see you as his place of safety and rest where his soul can securely dwell. May he come to know you as His Most High God and take pleasure in the comfort under your Almighty shadow.
As his mother I pray over him this Psalm, as a cover over him, "Be his refuge and his fortress, dear God; become Him who he will trust."
In his unbelief, he choses not to trust in you but I pray that you will find ways to show yourself to him. Help him to see that YOU alone are is his refuge, his fortress in whom he should trust. I long for the day that he cries out to you "My God!" and today and everyday forward I praise you for bringing him to you, and answering my prayer.
Surely Lord you shall deliver him from the snare of the fowler and the noisome pestilence. As my son is foolishly choosing to disregard the caution we taught him as a child, in your mercy protect him from himself, but allow him to suffer the consequences that will bring him to the end of himself. When you deem appropriate cover him with your feathers that under your wings he shall learn to trust you. I pray that your truth will become his shield and wrap around him your Holy Word as His protection. Oh, for the day that he loves your Word and knows it as truth!
As my son chooses to walk into the terror of the night and the arrows that fly by him each day, I pray that he remembers that in You he does not need to ever be afraid. For the pestilence that walks in darkness and the destruction that waits for him at noonday, may he be protected according to your wisdom because you alone know what he must endure before he will turn to you. I also ask that you keep him from harming other dear souls that you love so much, protect those who in his selfishness that he is willing to use and take advantage of.
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Photo Credit: Roots of Love by Escaped Emotions DeviantART |
I pray that as 1,000 fall by his side and 10,000 at his right hand, you will not let this unnecessary harm come near him. Open his eyes that he can behold and see the reward of the wicked and may this cause him to wake up and turn to you. Also, in his ignorance and naivety keep him from following people who walk in wickedness. Help him to see the true motives of people he currently esteems as friends. Bring him to his point of need and spare his life that one day he may serve you with all of his heart for your eternal kingdom work.
When we make you our Lord, you are our refuge, the Most High, our habitation. I rejoice looking forward to the day that my son calls you Lord and allows you to be his habitation. Because in you, no evil shall fall on him and neither shall any plague come near where he lives. Have mercy on him, during these wanton days of his life. As I pray over him, shield him from evil and plagues that the enemy of his soul has planned for him to experience. I ask that no weapon formed against him shall prevail.
Give your angels charge over him, to direct him into your ways. Allow them to bear him up that in his folly he will not be dashed against a stone. Give Angels the ability to protect him supernaturally from the dangers desired by the enemy of his soul.
As the demons like a lion roam seeking whom they can devour and the adder seeks one whom they can lie to, I pray that you will shield him from the enemy who is targeting him. May he learn that it is by you he will be able to trample under foot, the young lion and the dragon.
Oh, God, it is my heart cry that my son will set his love upon you and that you will deliver him from himself and his wrong, wicked choices, that you will be able to set my son on high because he knows your name calls upon you as the one he loves.
I praise you and thank you God for I know the day is coming that my son shall call upon you and you will answer him. You will be with him in time of trouble, and you will deliver him and honor him. May my son have a long life satisfied by you alone. Show him your salvation. Speak to him through people, in dreams, experiences and ways I could not even fathom but you in your wisdom and loving creativity will set forth and bring to pass.
Of course, in my mother's heart, I want his salvation to come quickly, but as your maid-servant I say "not my will, but yours" trusting that your timing is perfect.
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer, and thank you for all the saints who are joining me in agreement in this salvation prayer for my son.
I thank you for your word. I that can pray it back to you in behalf of my son knowing it is your perfect will and therefore you will hear my prayer and it will please you to answer it. I love you Lord.
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