Love of the Brethren - What is Christian Love?

As Brothers and Sisters of God, Christians, Followers of Jesus, we are asked by God to love each other,

but also unnaturally -in the worldly sense- are drawn by God's love within us to LOVE one another unconditionally.

It is said, "They will knew we are Christians by our love... of each other."

We are told that we know that "we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren."

The want of love is so universal. The world talks about love as much as the church, and quite frankly, shows expressions of love toward others. There is an appeal to being and receiving love.

So what then is TRUE LOVE that is in the Brethren of the followers of Jesus Christ, that is so unlike that of the world when it loves.

It is the love we have of God that produces in each of us obedience to God.

1 John Verse 2, "By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments."

This true love is spiritual love, not natural love of a personal attachment or founded in a self-interest or because we are among a common group that has similar sentiments and ways of living.

True Love, that possess us at salvation, the dwells within us who are God's children. His children, living in obedience to Him are like-minded because the world we live in is against God, us and lives in the sinful practices which God's grace has taught us to hate.

Therefore, by this we can recognize the Love of the Brethren: They are

  • washed by the same blood (the Blood of Jesus),
  • supplied by the same grace (His all sufficient grace through the cross)
  • opposed by the same enemies (Satan, his demons and all of his children) and 
  • have the same view of heaven.
Therefore, regardless of little differences, even painful interactions, we the children of God love one another with a pure heart fervently, PERIOD.

We love each other not because we deserve love, or because we are particularly loving, but because we are each bought by the precious blood of Jesus and given His Spirit of Love to dwell within our being, and thereby, we are compelled with a supernatural attraction to love brothers and sisters in Christ.

I love you. 


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