Finding My Sweet Spot

A friend just showed a link to some of the most beautiful artwork I have seen in a long time. Here it is: Kelly O'Neill. In her graphic designs she has one titled, Not For Sale that speaks deeply to me heart.  I will be checking back to her site for new items and will definitely have her on my "to contact" list when I need a book cover or finally get to creating my logo and website.  I certainly sense though that her free flowing intimate styling fits within the design of God working in and through me - in the core of my being.

God is still forming the full picture of the ministry He wants me to take and I am loving walking with Him, as He shows me. I don't want to rush ahead of Him. Taking in the pleasures of the journey and being obedience to what He gives for me each day is helping to form and see His design and full intent He has for me to minister unto to Him and out to others. My web domain is "WritingInsideOut" and  I love it, but I still haven't launched it because I don't see the complete form.

 I am a flutterer, moving about to where God takes me, spending deep time with people sends my way, and then I am released to flitter around to the next destination. There is peace in not being heavily weighed down with the burdens of a full programmed ministry. I do ministry as I go, and I never know what each day may bring.

 It is the style God created in me - spontaneous, unfettered, tenderhearted, but totally free to be able to answer, "Yes, Lord" whenever He asks. I love living like this. "How Great is Our God!"

 Thanks for letting me share.
