Used, Abused, Toss - Books

Combing through eye-candy antiques occupies some of my most calming moments in my "gone-wild" life. Exhausted from a tedious chores, I relax as I inspect the discarded items once purchased and "needed" by an individual. Nothing lights a fire deeper in my questing excitement when I turn toward an aisle of breathtaking old books.

Oh, the treasures found in the actual first account words of authors. The finest history lessons blossom in reading the actual words of a person of historical importance. Historians can write their interpretation of facts, but only living, breathing people who actually lived through history can give a first account of what they thought, saw, wanted, felt and motivated their actions. An author can always lie to himself and his audience to say what sounds good  and tickles the ears of readers, but few ancient writers/authors had the financial ability nor the endless hours of empty time to pen false words.

This week I accumulated several gems at very nice thrift store prices. My list of books I hope to educate myself with so I  can be an informed writer with first account facts: (Treasure Quote listed in Green)

  • The President of The United States by Woodrow Wilson on Constitutional Government in the US in 1908
 "Living political constitutions must be Darwinian in structure and in practiced"
  • Masters of Deceit by J. Edgar Hoover in 1958
 "Be alert. America's best defense lies in the alertness of its patriotic citizens."
  • What is History? by Edward Hallett Carr (Lectures given at University of Cambridge 1961) in 1963
 In the first place, the facts of history never come to us "pure" since they do not and cannot exist in a pure form: they are always refracted through the mind of the recorder.  (otherwise consider the source)
  • The Death of a Nation by John A. Stormer in 1968
 As these Americans died in Vietnam, firebomb throwing mobs, led by communist-agitated and trained revolutionaries, killed over 150 people, injured several thousand others and destroyed property worth $1 billion in 100 American cities. America is not winning the war with communism because America's people seem strangely unable - or unwilling - to face the fact that we are at war.

  • Principles of Constitutional Law by Thomas M. Cooley in 1880
 For a proper understanding of these provisions it is essential to keep in mind that their purpose, as well as that of similar provisions in the original instrument was to put it out of the power of the government now being created to violate the fundamental rights of the people who were to be subjected to its authority. They constitute limitations therefore, upon the power of the Federal government only. 
  • Civics and Citizenship by Henry Noble Sherwood in 1929
The government gives to an inventor the sole privilege of making, using and selling his invention or discovery in the United States and its territories. (from Article I, sec 8 of the Constitution: conferring on Congress the power to issue copyrights and patents).
We see how the state helps the home: it makes a legal home; it aids a citizen in acquiring a home of his own, it makes the possession of property legal by granting a deed to it; it guarantees each home religious liberty; it stimulates writers to produce books and encourages inventors.
  • The Ministry of God's Word by Watchman Nee in 1971
The fundamental problem in preaching rest NOT on how much one knows of the Bible, for mere knowledge of doctrine is of little avail. Only one kind of person may preach the word of God - those who have been dealt with God. The greatest difficulty we confront in preaching is not whether the subject is proper but whether the man is right (with God).
You have just glimpsed into my treasure satchel of books this week. Hope I inspire you to adventure out and find some of your very own gems that others considered used, abused and trash - old books. Some of the finest educated people in the world are self-educated without a single textbook in hand. The knowledge you acquire in what you read has little value compared to how God desires to work through you to create something of value to His kingdom from your time invested in study. And never forget the greatest of all books is His Good Book - the Bible!
Any books you'd like to share about?


  1. Hi Lindy! Just popping by to say "howdy". I love this blog entry. Made me think of all the treasured books I loved as a child. "The Five Little Peppers and how they Grew" was a favorite. I found it the other day in a used book store and thrilled at finding an old friend! Come see me soon

  2. Wow...see how Darwinian thought even influenced interpretation of the Constitution? Bizarre, really.


  3. I just saw The Five Little Peppers for $4 yesterday at a store.


  4. Oh, I remember The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew! I think we got it from an antique store - Mom read it to us when we lived in West Point, New York.


  5. Yes, I have loved books since I was a tiny child. What wonderful friends they can be! What great adventures we have in the pages of books.

    Take care!


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