As of today, I am one of 9,100 bloggers who have accepted the 31 Day Challenge
to Build a Better Blog. I am going to follow the lessons each day for both of my active blogs and
I can not tell you how excited I am about this! I have been wanting help to create the best blogs I possibly can make. In fact, I really want to launch my blogs as their own website domain so that I don't have to worry about my blog being removed by a host. Which happen to me in January 2009, when blogger removed and I lost all of my content because I did not have it copied and was never given a reason or given information about how I could get my posts, even a copy of them to put on another site. So giving this experience I am a little leery about using a blog host site, and only do so at this point because I don't have the money to set up a website or the knowledge to know how to do it myself.
Well, that was probably a lot more history and information than you wanted or expected, but it has been my blogging journey.
I also I do want to state that I am a blogging baby. I have only been blogging since August 2008. On that date when I started my blog I knew absolutely NOTHING! Not that I have grown by quantum leaps, but I do blog pretty effectively and regularly. At the same time I am so clueless about what I am doing and eager seek to improve.
If you are interested in joining this challenge, I know you can jump in...we are only on our second day!
Now, with my first task in hand, writing an elevator pitch
( Here is the outcome of my first project!
Each day I will do the task for both of my blogs:
Lindylou-abbott my current tag is "Reflecting Christ through love and laughter". While this is very concise and says a lot about what my site is, this tag could be much better. It is not at all catchy, and it doesn't reflect my audience I am hoping to target, nor does it explain what I really am going to be blogging about. It is way too broad.
Love and Laughter are important to me and to this site. First reason is the Bible tells us that anything we say should be said in love. We are to speak the truth, but if it is not in love I might as well be a clanging cymbal. And if what I say does not lovingly build up my reader, provide grace to grow and truth my blog posting would be un-Biblical.
So let me stab around at some ideas that pop into my head...and then I will pray...or maybe I should first pray, yes, always first pray. I don't even know if God wants me to do this....I can be such a silly daughter of the King. I so often forget to ask first, but to apologize once I get in a big mess.
I will be back....pause, to kneel before the King of Kings.
Walking Through Womanhood, Hand in Hand with My King!
Have ever wondered what being a Christian might be like? What would you have to sacrifice? What benefits would you receive? How would live your days? What impact would being a Christian have on your current life, if you really applied Biblical truths, and gave God a chance to give you a new life. In reading this blog, you will experience posts written with love and laughter that show the joys and sorrows of one woman's life changing as she walks by faith, believing Jehovah-God, the God spoken of in the Holy Bible.
As God delights in both dreams and truth, she is a visionary dreamer, and also a solid factual, realist. This blog journals through a life of a young lady horrifically abused as a child, who is now a wonderful woman. She is a wife of 25 years and a mother of three teens, and she is aiming to receive all the freedom possible in being a Biblical be liver in Jesus as her Lord and Savior. This blog, Lindylou-abbott, is based on her true-life experiences.
YEAH!!!!!! How is that? Yes, I want comments, suggestions, but be kind (: I have a soft spot in me. (:
OK, now to my other blog, Abuseandtrauma-hope
This is my current tag: This blog is a hopeful guide to help hurting victims trying live a life of freedom and blessings after Abuse and Trauma. There is hope for the Hurting!
Let's see. Boring!!!!! It is pretty long...and not very catchy. It need to be more concise and descriptive.
Here I go again...away to seek God in prayer.
"Hope and Healing from Abuse and Trauma found through God and Psychology"
While Abuse and Trauma harms so many people, few find hope to permanently heal and recover. This blog gives true accounts of victories, deliverance, stability and health found in Biblical Truths and in Advancements in Therapy, Medication and Psychology/Psychiatry. Experience the pain of lives disfigured from death, rape, addiction, violence, disease and all other types of disasters/evils and witness the possibilities available for real help for those who hurt. There is hope and healing for anyone abused and traumatized.
I guess that is a rap...or is it a wrap?!?! I would love input. Thank you so much for reading.

I can not tell you how excited I am about this! I have been wanting help to create the best blogs I possibly can make. In fact, I really want to launch my blogs as their own website domain so that I don't have to worry about my blog being removed by a host. Which happen to me in January 2009, when blogger removed and I lost all of my content because I did not have it copied and was never given a reason or given information about how I could get my posts, even a copy of them to put on another site. So giving this experience I am a little leery about using a blog host site, and only do so at this point because I don't have the money to set up a website or the knowledge to know how to do it myself.
Well, that was probably a lot more history and information than you wanted or expected, but it has been my blogging journey.
I also I do want to state that I am a blogging baby. I have only been blogging since August 2008. On that date when I started my blog I knew absolutely NOTHING! Not that I have grown by quantum leaps, but I do blog pretty effectively and regularly. At the same time I am so clueless about what I am doing and eager seek to improve.
If you are interested in joining this challenge, I know you can jump in...we are only on our second day!
Now, with my first task in hand, writing an elevator pitch

Each day I will do the task for both of my blogs:
Lindylou-abbott my current tag is "Reflecting Christ through love and laughter". While this is very concise and says a lot about what my site is, this tag could be much better. It is not at all catchy, and it doesn't reflect my audience I am hoping to target, nor does it explain what I really am going to be blogging about. It is way too broad.
Love and Laughter are important to me and to this site. First reason is the Bible tells us that anything we say should be said in love. We are to speak the truth, but if it is not in love I might as well be a clanging cymbal. And if what I say does not lovingly build up my reader, provide grace to grow and truth my blog posting would be un-Biblical.
So let me stab around at some ideas that pop into my head...and then I will pray...or maybe I should first pray, yes, always first pray. I don't even know if God wants me to do this....I can be such a silly daughter of the King. I so often forget to ask first, but to apologize once I get in a big mess.
I will be back....pause, to kneel before the King of Kings.
Walking Through Womanhood, Hand in Hand with My King!
Have ever wondered what being a Christian might be like? What would you have to sacrifice? What benefits would you receive? How would live your days? What impact would being a Christian have on your current life, if you really applied Biblical truths, and gave God a chance to give you a new life. In reading this blog, you will experience posts written with love and laughter that show the joys and sorrows of one woman's life changing as she walks by faith, believing Jehovah-God, the God spoken of in the Holy Bible.
As God delights in both dreams and truth, she is a visionary dreamer, and also a solid factual, realist. This blog journals through a life of a young lady horrifically abused as a child, who is now a wonderful woman. She is a wife of 25 years and a mother of three teens, and she is aiming to receive all the freedom possible in being a Biblical be liver in Jesus as her Lord and Savior. This blog, Lindylou-abbott, is based on her true-life experiences.
YEAH!!!!!! How is that? Yes, I want comments, suggestions, but be kind (: I have a soft spot in me. (:
OK, now to my other blog, Abuseandtrauma-hope
This is my current tag: This blog is a hopeful guide to help hurting victims trying live a life of freedom and blessings after Abuse and Trauma. There is hope for the Hurting!
Let's see. Boring!!!!! It is pretty long...and not very catchy. It need to be more concise and descriptive.
Here I go again...away to seek God in prayer.
"Hope and Healing from Abuse and Trauma found through God and Psychology"
While Abuse and Trauma harms so many people, few find hope to permanently heal and recover. This blog gives true accounts of victories, deliverance, stability and health found in Biblical Truths and in Advancements in Therapy, Medication and Psychology/Psychiatry. Experience the pain of lives disfigured from death, rape, addiction, violence, disease and all other types of disasters/evils and witness the possibilities available for real help for those who hurt. There is hope and healing for anyone abused and traumatized.
I guess that is a rap...or is it a wrap?!?! I would love input. Thank you so much for reading.
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