Who is Your God?

What do you think about most?

What captures you desire? What draws you to spend your time? What occupies your time?

Do you frequently wish you were with a person/thing or doing an activity throughout the day?

What is your dream...what is the end result of it...who does it bring glory (value/worth) to?

I may be worshipping my blog/ twitter/ e-mail/ Internet time. The computer is so interesting...so many places to go...so much to do...so many people to talk with/ to connect with...

It is interesting...I started a blog to help me work through my inner thoughts...to express myself to help me function better...to have a place to share...to get thoughts and ideas out of my head...to be able to sleep more soundly...have more peace...feel more joy, share more love, be myself....

But am I worshipping at the alter of my computer...do you catch yourself thinking...'I need to update twitter/blog...I need to write a note...that would be good to post...wonder what she/he posted...Google this/ Google that...one hour passes...two hours pass...3...4...often early in the morning and late into the night....

Is my mind not suppose to be consumed with God? Is He not who I should be sharing my every thought/ concern with? Is He not my strong tower to run to? Is He not my one and only...my God....

Sure, I talk about Him all the time, I share my thoughts and feeling toward Him...but am I spending more time doing that then talking to Him ...

What about my children that sit at my feet or wait on a chair or lay by my computer table....waiting for me...to talk...to tuck them in...to join them..."One more minute" "I am almost done" "I just need to do one more thing" ......

Who is getting my devotion? My time...My thoughts...My love...

Our one and only God is a jealous God. And He will not put up with being second to a false god...He will get my attention...but do I really want to endure what it takes to get my full attention...when He should already have it?

Practicing the presence of God...I've tried to do it...I loved the book by Bro. Lawrence..The Presence of God...Can I learn to live in the sweet constant communion...to live and do only his bidding...to be filled, compelled and overflowing with His unfathomable love and grace...is my cup running over...

Or am I running on empty...borrowed time...dry...shallow...weak...wandering...scattered...darting here...dashing there...rush...rush...push...push...go...go...do...do.............................when does it stop?

When I repent! When I agree with God, that He no longer is my "Big #1", He is second fiddle..maybe third..or fourth! Am I flirting with the things of the world...an unfaithful lover...an unthoughtful friend..to My God!

Oh, God...please forgive me...I am sorry for the things I have let take your place...I am sorry for not listening...for missing your quiet whisper...for being to busy..too preoccupied. I am sorry for chasing after others...for looking for healing, love, joy, peace in all the wrong places. You are my all in all. I need mo more...You are all I ever need...my one and only, the lover of my soul,

Forgive me papa...I want to come home...I want to sit on your lap...to feel your warm embrace, to rest my shoulder on your head, to feel you stroke my hair, to hear you sweet whispers of admiration and love...Your cup runneth over into me, I am covered by your flood, the warmth of your love, your deep concern, your all knowing look, your sweet approving smile...what a deep love...You really do love me..You know me and still I am the apple of your eye! Your treasure! How could I ever want a cheap trinket compared to your love?

Forgive me, wash away my tear, hold me near, let me feel your heartbeat, let me know you are here...draw my to You and never let me go...bind me with a tether...and never let me go...

love, your daughter


  1. Lindylou, I agree that God should be #1, but life gets in the way. It's wrong, but it happens to me as well.


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