
Showing posts from July, 2021

Prayer - Spiritual Communication

Most people struggle with prayer, myself included. Prayer takes many aspects working together at the same time: faith and surrender and humility. Humility considers the fact that we are sinners and need to check to see if we need to get anything right before we enter into God's presence. Do we need forgiveness? Do we need to forgive? With Childlike faith, in spirit and truth Through Spirit and Truth A key Bible verse for prayer is John 4:24: "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." Many times people become unable to worship God in prayer because they only possess a head knowledge of God and try to approach Him in their mind alone. Prayer is not something we do physically or mentally or even by ourselves.  The Basics: Humans are physical bodies that have their soul (mind, will and emotions) and their spirit.  Faith is believing God. It is birthed and developed by hearing God's Word, which is complete everlasting Truth. (D