
Showing posts from October, 2011

Mom Time With God While Homeschooling

Homeschooling your children will be one of the hardest things you ever attempt. But without a doubt, you and your children will reap many blessings that will be impossible to duplicate schooling any other way. All moms must become aware of the focus of her heart. Homeschooling is one of the pressures in life that can bring our spiritual failures to the surface quickly. I want to teach you how your "time with God" can be the focus of your day. So many of us have been taught to believe that "time with God" is done in quiet meditation and prayer; reading and studying His Word; and lingering at His feet. Is this not how Mary chose the best over Martha? I think we miss the point in the Mary and Martha scenario. Practicing The Presence of God While Homeschooling The point being taught was not concerned with 'doing': what Martha 'was doing' while serving versus Mary 'not doing', but don't we focus on this! How silly we can be! God do

Marriage is Hard Work

WARNING: What you read in this post might not sound like it was written by a member of a church. I am a Follower of Jesus that broke out of the "church-lady" mold a long time ago. Marriages fail when people don't feel loved. To a wife, she wants to be cherished. To a husband, he wants to be respected. But truly are not cherishing and respecting another two aspects of what it means to love another! Hurting people hurt those closest to them, and the core of the pain is not knowing you are loved by God, another and yourself. Life-long Love - Marriage is Worth it! I remember about 15 years ago... when I taught a women's Bible study class at what was then called First Baptist of Smyrna. I confessed to the women in the class that I was so mad at my husband I wished an 18 wheeler truck would run him over. Needless to say my time as a Bible teacher at that church was short-lived. I had no qualms about speaking so forthright, but is it took me almost 20 years to

Deception Found in Homeschooling

Who enjoys revealing problems? Who loves to confess sin? Who wants people to know their vulnerabilities? I want to be transparent, and real to you. I want you to be able to trust me.... to know that I am just like you in some ways. I want to connect. Hopefully my home isn't more depraved than all other homeschoolers. Bomb Shell! We have sinners in our home. Did that destroy my testimony? No, it only makes it richer because I have faith in God to work through my husband and I - our love, our prayers, our Biblical teachings, our modeling - to bring our children to repentance. I am not going to rat out one or more of my children... they have enough problems and don't need a  mom wallpapering their faults on a blog. But I need to talk about this - we have a liar in our home... someone that continually lies, someone that naturally lies, someone that seems to prefer lying even when telling the truth would be obviously easier. I am sure you did not gasp in h

I Choose to Love

I saw a beautiful poster on my Facebook feed, so like a child I went to go look at it. Over 700 hundred people on this Facebook group page "liked" this quote and over 400 had positive comments to say about it. And I looked around at the page I found myself, it was called "Wipeout Homophobia On Facebook." I saw other posters and quotes being shared like: And this one: I saw a young man that had been brutally beaten... his video taken after being attacked and others felt compelled to rally around wanting this kind of cruelty to stop. I understood.  But then I thought... the people on this page believe and hold dear a different principle - a core belief - that is opposite of mine. And both can not be embraced as truth for one person. For if you believe one to be true, the other is false. Both could be false, but both could not be true... my more logical reasoning friends will recognize this as one of the first basic types of ar